Module Issues
There are no modules
If the list of modules in the Magisk app is empty, clear the repo cache (in the app settings) and/or reload the modules list (the small icon in the top right corner of the "Modules" window).A module has been updated but doesn't show up in the Magisk app
If it seems like a module has been updated (if you look at the date below the module in the modules list in the app), but it doesn't show up as an update, there's nothing wrong.The date will change and the module will move to the top of the modules list whenever there is any kind of edit to the module's repo on Github. So if the readme is updated, for example, it isn't necessary to release an update for the module, but the date will change. An update will only show up if the module creator/developer also changes the version code for the module.
Modules are installed, but don't load
Make sure you haven't disabled modules by running your device in "Safe Mode". Doing this disables all modules and also disables MagiskHide. If you have not done this, and your modules are all enabled, there's likely something wrong with your Magisk installation and you need to figure out what. Post details and logs in the support thread (also see "Asking for help/reporting bugs").Modules seem to install, but aren't there after rebooting
Often caused by the module using an outdated module template. See "Outdated template" below.If that's not the case, looking at the Magisk and module installation logs might give a clue as to what's going on.
Can't install modules
If there's an error installing a module or the module seems to install fine but doesn't show up as installed after a reboot, there's a couple of things to try.Download error
When trying to download a module in Magisk app v8+, some users just get an error, that usually shows in the download notification. Usually this is caused by having a custom hosts file, or similar, that is blocking the CDN used by the app (JSDelivr). The solution is to whitelist that URL.Outdated template
It might be that you're trying to flash a module with an outdated module template. Magisk modules templates used to have a version number (seen in the modules module.prop file), but now all installation logic is centralised to the Magisk module installation script. If the module you are trying to install has a minMagisk entry in the module.prop file it is very likely that it is too old to be able to install on a recent version of Magisk.Most of the times you can tell that the issue is an outdated template by an error message telling you to install an older version of Magisk than the version you have installed. If there is no such message, look at the module installation log, since it might show why things didn't install properly. One thing to look for is:
mount_magisk_img: not found
That means the installer is trying to use a Magisk image, something that was deprecated in Magisk v19.0.
You can also look in the module.prop file in the zip. If there's a line looking something like minMagisk=1500 it is a good hint that the module installer is too old (that kind of check isn't used anymore).
In other words, the installer scripts used in the zip needs an update.
Zip is not a Magisk module
If the error states that it's not a Magisk zip, or invalid zip in TWRP, the zip is not packaged correctly. Open up the zip and you'll likely see a folder (probably named something like <nameofmodule>-master or similar, or something completely different). Take all the contents of that folder and repack it to the root of the zip and try flashing it again.It might also be that you (or whomever made the module) forgot to add the line "#MAGISK" to the updater-script file.
Magisk app storage permission
If the app does not have storage permissions there will be issues with module installation (and other things). It should automatically ask for permission when needed, but if this doesn’t work, give the permission manually.Process error
If there's a "process error" when installing a module it is usually caused by the app not having storage permission (see above). It might also be fixed by clearing data for the app.Corrupt zip
Also make sure that there’s nothing wrong with the zip file (corrupt, etc). Try downloading the zip again.Unable to extract zip
If you get an error stating “Unable to extract zip” when installing modules it might just mean that the zip has been packaged wrongly. Try using a different program/app to create the zip. If you still keep getting this error and you know that the zip is ok, you might have to to a complete reinstallation of Magisk.Logs, etc
If the error occurs when installing a module through the Downloads section of the Magisk app, save an install log by clicking on the “Save log” button (disk icon) after the install script has run. If the error just states something along the lines "error when installing", try flashing the zip through recovery instead (if available). If this also fails, save the recovery log and post in the support thread together with your app install log (also see "Asking for help/reporting bugs").Module will be updated at next reboot
If you install a module and after reboot it doesn’t work or it works but there’s a message in the Magisk app modules section that states “module will be updated at next reboot”, try this:If the module works, just navigate to the module folder under /data/adb/modules and delete the “update” file. If it keeps happening when installing modules post the installation logs, Magisk log and possibly a logcat from the installation in the support thread (also see "Asking for help/reporting bugs").
If the module doesn’t work and hasn’t installed properly. Navigate to /data/adb/modules, delete the module folder and try again. If it still doesn’t work post the installation logs, magisk_debug.log and possibly a logcat from the installation in the support thread (also see "Asking for help/reporting bugs").
Can't uninstall module
If a module, for some reason, can't be uninstalled from the app you can do this manually. See Uninstalling modules manually below.Module causing issues (Magisk functionality, bootloop, loss of root, etc)
If you have a working Magisk installation, but a module causes Magisk, the Magisk app or your device to not function properly (bootloop, loss of root, etc), see Disabling/uninstalling modules manually below.Disabling/uninstalling modules manually
Remove all modules
Since Magisk v19.4, there's an adb command that can be used to uninstall all modules on your device. If the device is bootlooping or simply hanging on the boot animation you have a good chance that you can use this command to get up and running again.Hook your device up to a computer (or other device you can run adb from) and execute the following command:
adb wait-for-device shell magisk --remove-modules
After that you can start your device and as soon as adb is available the command will activate, the modules will be removed and the device will reboot. Hopefully to a working system, sans modules. There's of course a chance that the troublesome module has done something that the command can't remove...
If you do not have USB Debugging enabled adb won't work and you'll need to use Safe Mode instead (see below).
Core Only Mode
From Magisk v21, Core Only Mode has been replaced with Safe Mode. See below.Safe Mode
Booting your device into Android Safe Mode will disable all modules and also disable MagiskHide. Once you reboot back to normal Android the modules will remain disabled and you can manage them manually to find/uninstall the module that is causing issues.To boot into Android Safe Mode you have two options.
There should be a button combination available to activate Safe Mode. Usually it is something along the lines of holding the power button until the OEM splash screen shows and then switching to holding volume down instead until your device boots into Safe Mode. Search the big great interweb for information on your device's particular button combo.
If you cannot get the button combination working, you could also disable Magisk completely by flashing the stock boot image to your device. This should let it boot, but with Magisk (and thus all it's modules) disabled. From here you can activate Safe Mode from the Power Menu. Long press "Power Off" and you should get a prompt to enable it. Once the device reboots, press and hold the button combination to enter the bootloader menu or equivalent for your device. From here you should be able to then install a Magisk patched boot image (through fastboot, or equivalent) and when you then reboot your device it will go to Safe Mode which in turn will let Magisk disable all the modules and you can continue as described above.
The drawback to the this method is that it will disable all your Magisk modules, not just the one causing issues. If you don't want to do this and you have a custom recovery available (booted or installed), you can use the following methods to disable or uninstall only the troublesome module.
No custom recovery
The tips below all rely on having a custom recovery, like TWRP, for your device. If you do not have one installed (or don't want one installed) but there is one available for your device it's a good idea to keep it handy to at least be able to fastboot boot it.If you do not have access to a custom recovery, the methods described above should hopefully work for you.
Uninstall/delete/disable modules from recovery
This is my prefered method, manually removing a troublesome module through a custom recovery. Boot to recovery and use the file explorer to navigate to /data/adb/modules (if you don't have access to /data in recovery, try using the "Disable all modules" method below). You now have a couple of options to remove the module:- Navigate to the module's directory under /data/adb/modules and rename any file in there to "remove" (or "disable", just remember the file name in case you want to return to normal before actually removing the module).
- In terminal you can use the touch command: type (without quotation marks) "touch /data/adb/modules/<module folder>/remove" (or “/data/adb/modules/<module folder>/disable”, depending on your preference).
- Simply delete the module's folder under /data/adb/modules. This is the last resort since it won't run any uninstall script that the module might use.
If you create the "remove" or "disable" files, Magisk will take care of removing or disabling the module on the next reboot. Uninstalling the module this way is the preferred way, since it will also run any uninstall script that the module is using.
You can also keep a copy of the corresponding disable or remove files on your device and copy them to the module folder as needed.
There are also several available terminal/Aroma based recovery type managers available for handling this. Take a look in the Magisk forums.